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Graveoak, East Lancashire Road, Leigh, Lancashire, WN7 3SE
Crane fly
An adult crane fly, resembling an oversized mosquito, typically has a slender body.

This fly is not a public health insect however they are annoying when then enter premises, usually attracted through the door at night as they are light attractant. They may also be known as ‘Daddy long legs’.

An adult crane fly, resembling an oversized mosquito, typically has a slender body and stilt-like legs that are deciduous, easily coming off the body.

Tipulidae are large to medium-sized flies (7–35 mm) with elongated legs, wings, and abdomen. Their colour is yellow, brown or grey. The rostrum (a snout) is short to very short with a beak-like point called the nasus (rarely absent).

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Other Pests that might be related to this insect

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